TOMATO CATCH-UP - Newsletter Issue 275 – March 2025

Your monthly resource on working capital, process optimization, and issues related to the world of corporate treasurers, IT professionals, and bankers!

This newsletter is bilingual, English or German, depending on the source.


What search engine do you typically use? We’ve recently come across Perplexity, a conversational search engine that uses large language models (LLMs) to provide answers to inquiries based on online sources. Think of it as an alternative to Google‘s search engine. Perplexity deciphers the intent of queries and retrieves the most relevant data, frequently accompanied by references and sources to increase credibility. This tool is ideal for professional use, scholarly research, and expanding one's own knowledge, and offers a freemium but also a paid enterprise version. In recent news, we read that Perplexity partnered with the Swiss telco Sunrise to expand service offering with AI capabilities.

Remember that for any challenge related to your financial issues, you can ask Martin Schneider for a discussion that will clarify it. Contact Martin via email or call +41 44 814 2001.


  1. Swift Messages Goes XML
  2. e-Invoicing Status in DE, AT, CH und FR
  3. Transfer Pricing Guidelines in Switzerland
  4. Treasury Talk: Virtuelle Konten
  5. Strong America, Weak Eurozone
  6. TMS-ZVS-Software-Anbieter 2025
  7. World Economic Forum: 2025 Annual Meeting Highlights
  8. Edelman Trust Barometer 2025: Employer Trust Eroded Severely
  9. Book Tip - Design Social Change: Take Action, Work toward Equity, and Challenge the Status Quo 
  10. Termine & Events
  11. From the Desk of Tomato


1. Swift Messages Goes XML

Das Thema Swift goes XML wird viel kommuniziert an Seminaren, Webinars, Messen. Bis November 2025 soll Swift die bekannten Message Types wie MT1xx, MT9xx und weitere ersetzen mit XML.

XLM bzw. ISO 20022 kennen wir seit der Umstellung zum SEPA-Format 2014 in den SEPA-Vertragsländern.

Viele unserer Leser nutzen den automatischen Transaktionsabgleich / Reconciliation / Ausziffern im ERP auf Basis des Formates Swift940. Die Hausbanken übermitteln dieses Format in das TMS oder auf einen täglichen Filefolder in der ERP-Umgebung. Werden ab November 2025 die Formate von MT9xx auf camt.53 im Format 001.08 wechseln, muss unbedingt das adäquat dazugehörende Projekt gestartet werden. Ansonsten kann der Kontoauszug auf der neuen Basis camt.53 nicht mehr ausgeziffert werden.

Nutzen Sie die anstehende Zeit im laufenden Jahr zur Umstellung der Empfangsdatei. Einige Banken werden MT940 auch 2026 weiter anliefern. Doch wenn nur eine einzige Bank in Ihrem Umfeld auf camt.53 umstellt, wird das Ausziffern nicht mehr funktionieren. Besser stellen Sie jetzt um auf camt.53.

Haben Sie Fragen zum Thema kontaktieren Sie das Tomato Team Esra Kummer oder Martin Schneider via E-Mail oder telefonisch +41 44 814 2001

Details in einem von vielen möglichen Links z.B. Consilio

Do you prefer English?

Swift’s replacement of the familiar messaging types (MT1xx, MT9xx and others) with XLM by November 2025 is widely communicated at seminars, webinars, and trade fairs. The ISO 20022-compliant XLM has been around since the changeover to the SEPA format in 2014 in the SEPA signatory countries.

Many of our readers use automatic transaction reconciliation or clearing in ERP based on the Swift940 format. House banks transfer this format to the TMS or a daily file folder in the ERP environment. If the formats change from MT9xx to camt.53 in format 001.08 from November 2025, the appropriate associated project must be started. Otherwise, the account statement can no longer be cleared on the new camt.53 basis.

You can use the time to the replacement date to convert the received file. Some banks will continue to deliver MT940 in 2026, but if only one bank in your area switches to camt.53, decoding will no longer work. It is better to switch to camt.53 now.

If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the Tomato team Esra Kummer or Martin Schneider via E-Mail or call +41 44 814 2001.

Screen source as an example from Commerzbank

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2. e-Invoicing Status in DE, AT, CH und FR

In unserer Tomato Catch-Up October 2023 AusgabeTomato Catch-Up Ausgabe Oktober 2023 berichteten wir über die Einführung der obligatorischen elektronischen Rechnungsstellung zwischen Unternehmen. Folgend hier die aktuelle e-invoice-Landschaft:   

e-Rechung Deutschland

  • Ab November 2018 müssen diverse deutsche Behörden E-Rechnungen empfangen und verarbeiten und ab 1. Januar 2025 müssen in Deutschland ansässige B2B-Unternehmen E-Rechnungen empfangen und verarbeiten.
  • 2025-2027: Übergangszeitraum für die vollständige Implementierung.
  • Ab 2028 müssen alle neuen Anforderungen vollständig umgesetzt sein, einschließlich der Ausweitung auf Kleinunternehmen.

Details bei Edicomgroup:

e-Rechung Österreich

In Österreich sind e-Rechnungen nur bei Lieferungen und Leistungen an den österreichischen Bund bzw. an die öffentliche Verwaltung verpflichtend (sogenannte B2G-Umsätze). Im B2B-Bereich sind e-Rechnungen nicht zwingend vorgeschrieben.

Details bei Primeexchange

e-invoice Frankreich

  • September 2026: Verpflichtung für alle Unternehmen, elektronische Rechnungen zu erhalten, sowie Verpflichtung zur Ausstellung elektronischer Rechnungen in Frankreich für grosse und mittlere Unternehmen.
  • September 2027: Verpflichtung für KMU und Kleinstunternehmen, elektronische Rechnungen in Frankreich auszustellen.

Details bei Edicomgroup: oder bei der DGFIP (Direction générale des Finances publiques)

e-Rechnung Schweiz

Die elektronische Rechnungsstellung ist für die schweizerische Bundesverwaltung und ihre Lieferanten Pflicht, wenn Verträge CHF 5.000 Schweizer Franken überschreiten.

Details bei Edicomgroup

In English, you can find here a general e-Invoice project checklist:

  1. Analyze the actual invoice processes
  2. Set up a central e-mail address for receiving e-Invoices
  3. Inform customers
  4. Select the appropriate electronic invoice format and transmission channel
  5. Implementing the IT infrastructure
  6. Test phase
  7. Train/upskill employees
  8. Communicate with business partners
  9. Complete the implementation of the e-Invoice
  10. Comply with legal aspects
  11. Ongoing monitoring and adaptation

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3. Transfer Pricing Guidelines in Switzerland 

An article based on the information from the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) from January 2025 informs on changes regarding transfer pricing. Due to its international importance, the article is in English only.

The 23-page PDF, available for free download, covers the following:

  • General remarks and legal basis for the arm’s length principle, as well as its underpinning in international and Swiss tax law and implications for non-compliance
  • Comparability analysis
  • Transfer pricing methods (traditional, transactional, and other methods)
  • Special areas for application
  • Documentation and procedural aspects

Deutsch: Hinweis von der FTA: Die internationale Bedeutung für Transfer Pricing ist hoch. Deshalb ist dieser Bericht bei den Steuerbehörden ausnahmsweise nur in Englisch verfügbar.

Français : Remarque de la FTA : L'importance internationale du transfer pricing est élevée. C'est pourquoi, exceptionnellement, ce rapport n'est disponible qu'en anglais auprès des autorités fiscales.

Details at Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA)

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4. Treasury Talk: Virtuelle Konten 

Ein Podcast vom VDT (Verband Deutscher Treasurer): Virtuelle Konten, was können Sie bringen und worauf müssen Treasurer achten? Welche Use Cases bringen echte Einsparungen und Effizienzgewinne – was sagt die BAFin dazu?

Der Podcast erläutert und behandelt das Beispiel aus der Praxis bei der schweizerischen Autoneum Management AG mit Christoph Budde Trinity Sales Director und Janko Hahn Treasurer Autoneum. Dauer knapp 30 Minuten.

Den 29-Min-Podcast hören Sie bei VDT

Do you prefer English?

What can virtual accounts accomplish, and what should treasurers be aware of? What does the BAFin say? Deutscher Treasurer's association publishes in German a 29-minute podcast. With Christoph Budde, Sales Director of Trinity, and Janko Hahn at Swiss Corporate Autoneum

In German 29-minute podcast

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5. Strong America, Weak Eurozone

An article based on Data from the IMF and the NZZ sees a widening gap between the European and American economies.

USA has 4% of the world’s population and holds 25% of world production.

If we look at economic output per hour worked, we see that it has increased by 37% in the USA since the turn of the millennium, but by “only” 20% in Europe.

Is this due to cheaper gas resources? USA natural gas prices are 4 times lower than in Europe. Chart historic 1980 until 2025 below.

Quelle in Deutsch bei NZZ basierend auf IWF (Internationaler Währungs Fonds – English IMF)

Quelle in Deutsch bei NZZ Analyse von Wirtschaft und Börse FYI one NZZ article weekly is free:

Do you prefer English?: Quick-view at IMF with graphs and short videos

More to come on April Tomato Catch-Up News

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6. TMS-ZVS-Software-Anbieter 2025

Der Bericht aus DerTreasurer behandelt das Thema der TMS- und ZVS-Anbieter in Deutschland, basierend auf einer Umfrage von einigen 34 Treasurern.

Kommentar von Martin Schneider: Ist es verwunderlich, dass SAP-TRM den Vorzug hat?

In den letzten Jahren wurden mehrere TMS und ZVS-Anbieter von Private Equity Gesellschaften übernommen. Das Vertrauen in die bisherig bekannten Marken schwindet. Investoren beteiligen sich 2024 an TIS und Omnikron. Bellin’s tm5 wurde von Coupa gekauft, aktuell geführt vom neuen Eigentümer Thoma Bravo. Ecofinance ging an Reval und Reval, wurde eine ION-Marke. HanseOrga entwickelt sich zur Private Equity Serrala. Eigenständig sind Trinity und Technosis sowie natürlich SAP.

**TMS Treasury Management System, ZVS Zahlungs-Verkehrs-System

Details bei DerTreasurer

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7. World Economic Forum: 2025 Annual Meeting Highlights

The World Economic Forum held its 55th Annual Meeting in Davos from January 20–24, 2025, under the theme "Collaboration for the Intelligent Age". Around 3000 investors, business leaders, political leaders (50 heads of state and government), economists, specialists from civil society, celebrities, and journalists were present at this year's meeting.

Davos 2025: highlights

  • The cooperative world order we imagined 25 years ago has not turned into reality; instead, we entered harsh geo-strategic competition.
  • We can make 100 years of progress in life biology in 5 or ten years if we really get AI right.
  • The defining challenge of our time is the skilling and upskilling of millions of people.
  • Investing in young people has never been more important.
  • We must preserve humanity in the digital age.
  • A “new paradigm of AI architectures” will emerge within the next five years, taking things far beyond the capabilities of existing systems.

For more highlights, check this blog on the WEF website or listen to this 3:45-minute YouTube video

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8. Edelman Trust Barometer 2025: Employer Trust Eroded Severely

Political polarization and rising fears have led to a general feeling of dissatisfaction

Political polarization and growing fears have led to a general feeling of dissatisfaction, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer's 25th-anniversary edition, which has shown a significant change toward approval of aggressive action. This survey was conducted online in 28 countries and includes insights from 33,000+ respondents.

Key findings:

  • Compared to 2024, employer confidence has fallen sharply by 3 percentage points to 75 percent.
  • 67% believe the wealthy don’t pay their fair share of taxes, while 65% say the selfishness of the rich causes many of our problems.
  • 4 in 10 see hostile activism as a viable means to drive change and 6 in 10 hold grievances against business, government, and the rich.
  • In most developed countries, less than 1 in 5 see the next generation better off.
  • Compared to 2024, the fear of being discriminated against surged 10% to 63%.
  • Business remains the most trusted institution (62%, with a percentage point decrease compared to 2024).
  • 63% voice concerns over the credibility of news sources.

PDF-report on the Edelman website it contains 78 pages

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9. Book Tip - Design Social Change: Take Action, Work toward Equity, and Challenge the Status Quo

In this book, Lesley-Ann Noel, a designer and design educator, outlines the key tactics for creating a lasting impression. Understanding oneself is the first step in this task, which then progresses to changing your neighbourhood and the wider world. With the help of this book, you can customize your approach to design by considering your ethics, history, personality, and aspirations for a better future.

The strategies for change are based on equity and fairness, and on understanding your role in these systems of both justice and inequity. These techniques show how to use empathy, joy, and wrath as motivation to comprehend what individuals require in order to flourish. These innovative methods will assist you in creating projects that are meaningful to you and building more equal and just futures by utilizing the instruments of design. As the author puts it: there is never a bad time to strive for a just and equitable society.

Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Link to the book on Amazon.

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10. Termine & Events


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11. From the Desk of Tomato

Learning factor when things in life are changing.

At the end of 2024, Swiss national radio abandoned FM broadcasting in favor of DAB+. I was surprised and I didn’t update my systems.

First, I tried to help myself with direct access to my preferred French-speaking Radio stations. This was unsuccessful.

Second, I reviewed up to 5 or 8 smartphone apps that did not really meet my expectations. Then I found the Dutch-based Radio Garden app. In the free version, there is a one-minute commercial that can be eliminated by a monthly subscription of 3 euros. The radio station's own advertising is not affected by the subscription. Nice comments were received by friends and family navigating the globe and getting a map with stations such as Argentina, Australia etc if desired. Garden Radio's approach of searching on a map is more intuitive than the more complicated list search of other apps. However, visible country borders would be helpful.

Finally, when preparing to travel abroad I am even better prepared as before. Life always offers better alternatives.

My conclusion? Search for alternatives when in the planning phase, don’t wait until you are forced. This reminds me of our common business in finances, we should look for improved solutions before we are forced to.

In our projects this basis three sentence guides me:

Having one variant is a must

Two variants are a dilemma

Three variants will make a good choice


Enoy – The Tomato Team from the Tomato Atelier

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