In Treasury und Zahlungsverkehr bleiben SAP-Module führend

Lesen Sie in Tomato Juni-Catch-Up was wir zu SAP und SAP-TRM, SAP-BCM, SAP-MBC aufzeigten und wie sie den Zahlungsverkehr in einer Plattform abbilden.

Folgend ein Bericht von DerTreasurer.

Auf dem Markt für Treasury-Software sind Fusionen und Übernahmen die Regel: Lucanet hat sich am Zahlungsanbieter Ementexx beteiligt, Nomentia und Tipco sind zusammen. Bellin wurde vom US-Anbieter Coupa übernommen, heute im Eigentum von ThomaBravo (Tomato News von Januar 2023)

Nach einer nicht repräsentativen Umfrage bei 55 Treasurern zeigt DerTresurer auf, dass inzwischen circa 50 der Befragten ein Treasury-Management-System nutzen. Acht der Befragten wollen in den nächsten zwölf Monaten ihr TMS wechseln. Der SAP Trend entspricht dem der letzten Jahre. Auch in 2022 hatte SAP das Treasurer-Panel angeführt.

Für uns von Tomato ist SAP das einzige ERP für Unternehmen, die auch den Zahlungsverkehr in dieselbe Plattform integrieren können.

Folgend im Bild die Reihenfolge der eingesetzten TMS in Deutschland:

Weitere Details in DerTreasurer

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In the Juni-Catch Up, we reported on SAP and SAP-TRM, SAP-BCM, SAP-MBC and how to make payment transactions in one platform. In a recent report, DerTreasurer lists the most used software suppliers. SAP tops the list. It’s the only ERP for companies that can integrate payment transactions in the same platform.

A graph of a company

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Supply Chain Finance via TMS-Module

We first published this article a year ago. In response to interest from corporates, we have decided to present it to you once again.

Around the year 2000, a TMS was able to transact FX, interest rate transactions, outgoing single manual treasury payments such as Swift MT101, Banks reported back the daily account balance with Swift MT940 for a financial status and liquidity planning. Further transaction in a TMS where bank loans, netting, guarantees.

10 years later in 2010 some TMS in Germany where able to connect via the newly EBICS and SWIFT gateways to the partner banks. Thus, it was possible to transport the ERP account payable file via the TMS to some of the banks. Today is it usual at least in central Europe to transport all mass payments such as account payables and payrolls to the banks via SWIFT and EBICS gateways.

Will Vendor Finance themes be a module of a TMS In the near future? Or also fraud detection?

I do believe so. Over the last year, I’ve been researching various vendor finance tools and have come to the conclusion that the one I analyzed a year ago still looks excellent.

Each local unit of the company has the ability to negotiate with its local suppliers and banks in this vendor finance system. After the pre-negotiation with the vendors and banks, the basic data is set up by the corporate treasury, then the local vendors and banks can use their data within their contract area and in a way that allows the vendor to choose his own payment date.

Would it make sense to integrate such a system into a TMS? Can this be the future?

Are you interested in finding out more about the Vendis tool? Ask for information via or +41 44 814 2001, see all screens here.

Graphical user interface

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Credit Card Auto Reconciliation

Are you a corporate dealing with webshops and payment with credit cards, PayPal, vouchers, etc.? For Tomato, optimizing payment processes and also credit cards is part of our daily business.

In our latest newsletter, we explain challenges and propose

  • The evaluation of reconciliation software, which is in our case ReconHub from the Zurich company Abrantix.
  • In the project with Abrantix and the accountants, choose and build a connection to all the above-mentioned systems (CRM, POS, bank, and ERP).
  • Pre-book reconcile all the different amounts within the ReconHub Software.
  • Projecting and building with the Abrantix project team links such as:
  • EBICS gateway to the bank(s) for the automated XML camt.53 download into ReconHub

Are your accountants still manually processing transactions from multiple systems? Ask Tomato for advice. If you are concerned or you want to gain more knowledge, check the Abrantix 2 minutes video or the brochure. Scroll down to discover the video and the brochure.

Bank Relations Worldwide

The German trade publication Der Treasurer and HSBC asked 223 CFOs and/or treasurers about TMS, Payment Systems, Gateways and Formats.

  • 48% of those surveyed are satisfied with their TMS. 
  • More than half of the respondents’ companies already use a system from a TMS provider. 
  • For two thirds the decision as to which treasury infrastructure to use is made by the Head of Treasury. 
  • Two-thirds decided in favor of the bank’s own systems, while a further 25% uses ERP-related systems. 
  • More than a quarter also use Excel sheets.
  • The TMS infrastructure used depends heavily on the turnover of the companies.
  • In companies with sales of more than EUR 1 billion, 72% of those surveyed use the system of a TMS provider.
  • ERP-related systems are also more likely to be found at large companies. 
  • At smaller companies, only 44% of them have used TMS to date. In contrast, companies of this size use a bank’s own system more often than average. 

Martin Schneider comments: These findings confirms our experience over 25 years.

Bankbeziehungen weltweit

EU-Treasury-Infrastruktur: Gateways, Formate Systeme aus Sicht der Treasurer

Aus einem Bericht von ‚Der Treasurer‘: Unter Mitarbeit der HCBC befragten die beiden Institute 223 Corporates. Die Hälfte der Antwortenden im Bericht sind CFOs, die andere Hälfte sind Treasurers. Mehr als die Hälfte der befragten Unternehmen nutzen demnach ein System eines TMS-Anbieters:

  • 1/4 haben 1 bis 2 Mitarbeiter Treasury, 1/3 sind ein Team von 3 bis 5 Mitarbeitern
  • 1/2 der Befragten sind mit ihrem TMS zufrieden
  • 2/3 Dritteln wird die Entscheidung, welche Treasury-Infrastruktur genutzt wird, vom Leiter Treasury getroffen
  • 2/3 Drittel der Befragten entscheiden sich für bankeigene Systeme
  • 1/4 nutzt ERP-bezogene Systeme
  • 1/4 nutzen Excel-Sheets, dies in grossen wie auch kleineren Corporates
  • 1/5 in grossen, 1/4 in kleineren Corporates möchten ein anderes TMS oder wollen von Excel auf ein TMS wechseln.

Die verwendete TMS-Infrastruktur hängt stark vom Umsatz der Unternehmen ab. In Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz von mehr als 1 Milliarde Euro nutzen 72% der Befragten das System eines TMS-Anbieters. 
ERP-bezogene Systeme sind eher in grossen Unternehmen zu finden. Nach Tomatos Erfahrung hat dies mit der Expertise im Unternehmen zu tun. Grosse und Grösste Unternehmen leisten sich die Expertise Inhouse. Kleinere Firmen, also unter 1 Mrd. Umsatz nutzen die jahrelange ausgereifte Kompetenz zum Beispiel von Tomato AG Finance+IT.
Bei kleineren Unternehmen setzen 44% ein TMS ein. Unternehmen dieser Grössen wählen überdurchschnittlich oft ein bankeigenes System. Dies bestätigt auch unsere langjährigen Tomato Erfahrungen bei Segmenten bis ca. 300 Mio. Umsatz. Für dieses Kundensegment erstellten wir dieses pdf

QR Invoice Scanning with Bellin TM5

Finanzmitarbeiter in Schweizer Firmen scannen seit dem 1. Juli erhaltene Rechnungen mit einem QR-Code in ihr ERP System. Bisher wurden die sogenannten Orangen Zahlscheine für die Kreditoren-Lieferanten-Zahlläufe eingescannt.

Für dringliche Zahlungen gibt es neu auch für das Bellin tm5 dieses Scanning und die Zahlung kann im tm5 wie andere manuelle Zahlungen freigeben werden.

Accounting staff within Swiss companies have been scanning invoices (since July 1, 2020) into their ERP system if the invoice was issued with a QR-code. For years, the “orange” payment slips were also scanned into the Supply Chain for the ERP. For manual or urgent payments, you can now also scan these into the Bellin tm5 and then release the payment in tm5 like other manual payments.

Videocast Payment Gateways Part 2

After our last month’s videocast, where Martin Schneider explained the advantages of payment gateways and what they involve, treasurers wanted to know the cost of such a project.

From among the various questions readers posed, the most frequent comment was: Isn’t Swift expensive? Martin’s answer: “Look at it this way! If you buy a Mercedes and use it only to drive to the bakery, it’s expensive. It’s the same with payments. Payment gateways that involve all payments group wide and are used for letters of credit and/or guaranties really are the optimal solution. If your company uses letters of credits and/or guaranties, these processes can also be automated directly to your ERP. Therefore additional savings are guaranteed.

In the videocast part 2, Martin talks about one-time project cost as well as recurring cost. He uses the cost of two projects he helped with in 2015 to demonstrate. Now in 2016, another project confirms that his 2015 estimation is correct. Gain transparency at headquarter, reduce possible fraud at the local e-banking, improve financial flows process throughout the group, and gain an improved workflow with the internal control system.

Watch and listen to Martin Schneider’s videocast (time 3:13 mins).

As additional information: Discover the advantages of making group-wide local payments via a decentralized payment factory on our website as PDF.

Also, IBM has published a white paper Faster payments: Three steps to a modern commercial payments system – How banks and financial institutions can streamline payment processing for greater visibility, agility, compliance and operational efficiency.

Tomato’s Latest Videocast on Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways are direct channels from your ERP or TMS to your most important house or partner banks. In the videocast, Martin explains how using a minimal number of payment gateways via specific channels saves cost and project time as well as significantly increases transparency in Treasury Accounting and ICS. It further helps to reduce the risk of fraud at the periphery (local) of your corporate financial flows, to enhance processes, and to improve transparency and visibility at headquarters.

The scope of such a project includes all Account Payables and Account Receivables of your international corporation.

Videocast No 6, April 2016 (3:13 mins)

As additional information: Discover the advantages of making group-wide local payments via a decentralized payment factory on our website.

Videocast No. 6 on Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways are direct channels from your ERP or TMS to your most important house or partner banks. In the videocast, Martin explains how using a minimal number of payment gateways via specific channels saves cost and project time as well as significantly increases transparency in Treasury Accounting and ICS. It further helps to reduce the risk of fraud at the periphery (local) of your corporate financial flows, to enhance processes, and to improve transparency and visibility at at headquarters.

The scope of such a project includes all Account Payables and Account Receivables of your international corporation.

Videocast No 6, April 2016 (3:13 mins)

As additional information: Discover the advantages of making group-wide local payments via a decentralized payment factory on our website as PDF.