The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for three decades. Dr. Stephen Covey’s emphasis on self-renewal and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental and spiritual resources is as relevant today as it was 30 years ago.
The numerous responses to last month’s piece in our newsletter Resilience: The Key in Crisis Situations illustrates how important a daily worldwide finance status currency separated is.
To remind you, we wrote: “Many local controllers still manually check e-banking and report the data – also manually – to headquarters. There is no better time to implement these processes and structures than now. In recent years, arguments against the implementation of e-banking solutions included: too costly, too time-consuming, or too reluctant to implement them? Now many wish they had already implemented it. The local people and their time cost much more than the average monthly rate of 30 EUR per account and month.”
Source of Picture from Fachbeiträge De-zentrale Payment Factory
Das Merkblatt über die bankfachlichen Regeln, die die Konvertierung der Felder im Swiss QR Code in eine SWIFT-FIN-Meldung (MT101 und MT103) ermöglichen, wurde auf Seite 15 angepasst: Unter «Referenztyp», «70 Remittance Information» und «Linie 1» wurde «QRR/QR Referenz» in «/QRR/QR Referenz» bzw. «SCOR/Referenz» in «/SCOR/Referenz» korrigiert.
Die Einführungsdrehbücher gibt es nun auch in italienischer Version neben DE FR EN.
Gli script introduttivi per la fatturazione QR per gli istituti finanziari, gli emittenti di fatture e i destinatari delle fatture sono disponibili anche in italiano. Alle sceneggiature introduttive
Since COVID-19 has forced many teams to work remotely, Zachary Yorke, UX Researcher at Google, explains the science behind remote meetings and shares some interesting findings based on his experience in remote communication.
Milliseconds matter: We are genetically programmed for a fast-paced exchange of in-person conversation and a delay of five-tenths of a second (500 ms) from laggy audio or fumbling for the unmute button is more than double what we’re used to in-person.
Virtual conversations improve group performance
Virtual cues are very effective: In video calls, we feel more comfortable when our listeners’ eyes are visible because we can read their emotions and reactions.
Distance amplifies trust issues: In remote teams, when an issue pops up, individuals are more likely to blame one another rather than assessing the situation, which has a negative impact on group cohesion and performance.
Many of Tomato’s clients use the BELLIN tm5 TMS. The company recently released an SAP integration based on API technology.
API data transfer seamlessly connects the SAP ERP system landscape with tm5, maximizing security, transparency and process control since no files are shared. The data transfer works in both directions: collate account statements and process payments. The SAP integration enables the client’s SAP system to retrieve account statement directly and at any time. For payments, the files generated in the SAP system are transferred to tm5 where they’re processed.
In this webinar with Karsten Kiefer, BELLIN SAP Integration Product Manager, shows the new SAP integration directly in the system and highlights the various benefits (52 mins).
English (Link broken)
Martin’s comment: Until now creating and defining the upload/download of files was sometimes time-consuming. For the future I invite tm5 clients to discover the time-saving benefits of this new SAP integration.
Bevorzugen Sie Deutsch? Viele unserer Kunden nutzen tm5, das TMS von BELLIN. Jetzt hat BELLIN eine SAP Integration für tm5 entwickelt, die Daten auf Basis der API-Technologie transferiert.
Die BELLIN SAP Integration verknüpft die SAP-ERP-Landschaft eines Unternehmens nahtlos mit dem System von BELLIN. Da kein File-Sharing erfolgt, sorgt diese Technologie für maximale Sicherheit, Transparenz und Prozesskontrolle.
Die Datenverarbeitung funktioniert in beide Richtungen: beim Verarbeiten der Kontoauszüge wie bei der Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs. Durch die SAP-Integration kann das SAP-System des Kunden den Kontoauszug direkt und jederzeit abrufen. Für Zahlungen werden die im SAP-System generierten Dateien an tm5 übertragen, wo sie verarbeitet werden.
Karsten Kiefer, Product Manager der BELLIN SAP Integration, zeigt in dem BELLIN TechWEBINAR, wie die neue SAP Integration live im System funktioniert und erläutert die Vorteile (52 Min.).
Kommentar von Martin Schneider: Bisher war das Erstellen und Definieren des streng geschützten Filefolders manchmal zeitaufwändig. Schauen Sie sich diese zeitsparende SAP-Integration an.